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DNA Methylation in Newborns and Maternal Smoking in Pregnancy: Genome-wide Consortium Meta-analysis. (Pubmed Abstract)

Genetic Evidence for Causal Relationships Between Maternal Obesity-Related Traits and Birth Weight. (Pubmed Abstract)

The Obesity-Fertility Protocol: a randomized controlled trial assessing clinical outcomes and costs of a transferable interdisciplinary lifestyle intervention, before and during pregnancy, in obese infertile women. (Pubmed Abstract)

Healthy lifestyle interventions to combat noncommunicable disease-a novel nonhierarchical connectivity model for key stakeholders: a policy statement from the American Heart Association, European Society of Cardiology, European Association for Cardiovascu (Pubmed Abstract)

Association of a 62 Variants Type 2 Diabetes Genetic Risk Score With Markers of Subclinical Atherosclerosis: A Transethnic, Multicenter Study. (Pubmed Abstract)

New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution. (Pubmed Abstract)

Low-frequency and rare exome chip variants associate with fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes susceptibility. (Pubmed Abstract)

Genetic evidence for a normal-weight "metabolically obese" phenotype linking insulin resistance, hypertension, coronary artery disease, and type 2 diabetes. (Pubmed Abstract)

Impact of type 2 diabetes susceptibility variants on quantitative glycemic traits reveals mechanistic heterogeneity. (Pubmed Abstract)

A genome-wide approach accounting for body mass index identifies genetic variants influencing fasting glycemic traits and insulin resistance. (Pubmed Abstract)

Novel loci for adiponectin levels and their influence on type 2 diabetes and metabolic traits: a multi-ethnic meta-analysis of 45,891 individuals. (Pubmed Abstract)

Genetic variation in GIPR influences the glucose and insulin responses to an oral glucose challenge. (Pubmed Abstract)