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CHeRP News Archive: 2018
Faculty member Alon Peltz presented, “Beyond Coverage: advancing child health through insurance and care delivery reforms” on November 20th.

Faculty member Davene Wright presented: "A day late and a dollar short? Perspectives on using financial incentives to promote treatment adherence for pediatric chronic conditions.” on November 5th.

CHeRP wishes you a Happy Halloween!

On October 26, Director Ann Wu presented "Asthma Pharmacogenetics from a Health Services Researcher's Point of View" at the Harvard School of Public Health's Program in Genetic Epidemiology and Statistical Genetics Seminar Series.

Director Ann Wu participated in the "Housing Families' Breaking Barriers Breakfast". The panel discussion focused on the impact of homelessness and housing insecurity on children's health. This has brought on the creation of events to raise awareness and raise funds in collaboration with Housing Families.

CHeRP is delighted to welcome Pamela McMahon, PhD to DPM! She has a PhD in Health Policy and Decision Science from Harvard and was an assistant professor in the Department of Radiology at MGH where she was the PI of the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network Lung Group. Most recently, she was a Managing Scientist at Exponent, Inc. She will serve as Project Director of Ann Wu’s Precision Medicine Policy and Treatment (PreEMT) Model projects. She is a person with many talents and is also an amazing artist!

On October 10th, Dr. Ann Wu presented on "Precision Medicine for Asthma: Why Do We Need It? Is it Possible?" for the Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds at Boston Children's Hospital.

On October 3rd, Dr. Megan Bair-Merritt, MD, MSCE visited CHeRP and presented, "Imagining the Pediatric Practice of the Future."

Congratulations to Alison Galbraith, MD, MPH, on her promotion to Associate Professor!
Congratulations to "The Birdies" for winning "Best Team Spirit" during the DPM Classic Mini Golf Tournament!

Congratulations to Associate Professor Anjali Kaimal on her new leadership role as Chief of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at MGH!
Congratulations to CHeRP member, Joanne Sordillo, on her promotion to Research Scientist II!
The latest PAICAP project publication is making a lot of press! CMS Policy to Reduce Hospital-Acquired Conditions Had Minimal Impact.

Farewell and congratulations to Pediatric Health Services Research Fellow Heather Hsu, MD, MPH, who is departing DPM for a position as assistant professor in General Pediatrics at Boston Medical Center !

L to R (bottow): Alison Galbraith, MD, MPH; Heather Hsu, MD, MPH; Katherine Yih, PhD
June 2018
Farewell and congratulations to project manager Rachel Gruver and research fellow Melanie Kornides!

Faculty member Katherine Yih and colleagues published "Assessment of Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Safety Using the Self-Controlled Tree-Temporal Scan Statistic Signal-Detection Method in the Sentinel System" in American Journal of Epidemiology.
Katherine Yih and colleagues' publication "Yih et al. Respond to "Moving From Evidence to Impact for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination" is featured in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
Check out the PAICAP Project's June 2018 publication: The Impact of the Medicaid Healthcare-Associated Condition Program on Mediastinitis Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft.

Members of CHeRP participated in a volunteer event at the Greater Boston Food Bank. They worked in the warehouse inspecting, sorting, and repacking donated food and grocery products.

Congratulations to CHeRP member Heather Hsu MD MPH on her graduation from the Harvard Pediatric Health Services Research fellowship. We wish her well in her new position as assistant professor in General Pediatrics at Boston Medical Center.

May 2018
Director Ann Wu coordinated the May/June "Asthma Across the Ages" issue of The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice for Asthma Awareness Month.

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care's Artist Within Exhibit began on May 1st at the Wellesley, MA office. Speakers Eric Schultz and Karen Young welcomed the guests at the opening reception on Tuesday. CHeRP's administrative specialist, Mikaela Batista, has her painting "The Lute Player" as part of the exhibit.
"The Lute Player", painted by Mikaela Batista.
April 2018
Research fellow Melanie Kornides, ScD, and Dr. Gilkey’s publication "US Primary Care Clinics' Experiences During Introduction of the 9-Valent HPV Vaccine" is featured in Journal of Community Health.
March 2018
CHeRP hosted a fundraiser at DPM for Housing Families. We’ve collected cleaning supplies from our colleagues in order to help once homeless families move into a new home. Thank you to everyone who has donated to our fundraiser!

Ann Wu’s publication "Whole Genome Sequencing of Pharmacogenetic Drug Respone in Racially Diverse Children with Asthma" was featured in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
Melanie Kornides’ and Melissa Gilkey’s publication "Parents who decline HPV vaccination: Who later accepts and why?" was featured in Academic Pediatrics.
Dr. Gilkey’s and Fellow Melanie Kornides’ February publication "Coaching primary care clinics for HPV vaccination quality improvement: Comparing in-person and webinar implementation" is featured in Translational Behavioral Medicine.
Ann Wu has agreed to become the next director of our Center for Healthcare Research in Pediatrics, succeeding Grace Lee. In addition to her CHeRP role, Ann will continue to her leadership of the precision medicine center she founded (PROMoTeR), as well as her own portfolio of research in asthma and genomics/metabolomics. Ann will also join the Department of Population Medicine’s Executive Committee. Congratulations!
Melissa Gilkey’s and Melanie Kornides’ publication "Parent perceptions of dentists' role in HPV vaccination" was featured in Vaccine.
Ann Wu’s publication “A functional splicing variant associated with decreased asthma risk abolishes the ability of gasdermin B (GSMDB) to induce epithelial cell pyroptosis” was featured in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
On January 3rd, Dr. Wanda Phipatanakul presented, “School and Community Factors in Asthma and Allergic Diseases: Strategies Towards Treatment and Prevention” at our monthly CHeRP seminar.