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CHeRP News Archive: 2020
A paper coauthored by member Sharon Lutz is featured in the CDC's "Genomics & Health Impact Weekly Scan". The paper looks at relative contributions of family history and a polygenic risk score on COPD.
Director Ann Wu is selected as ATS Section on Genetics and Genomics “Featured Researcher” for the month of December.
Member Alison Galbraith and colleagues’ paper “Cost-related Medication Nonadherence and Its Risk Factors Among Medicare Beneficiaries” is published in Medical Care.
Director Ann Wu and colleagues’ paper “The Promise of Lifestyle Interventions in Individuals With Genetically Higher Risk for Obesity” is published in JAMA Pediatrics.
Member Davene Wright and colleagues’ paper “Impact of Restricting Sugar-Sweetened Beverages From the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on Children's Health” is published in American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Congratulations to faculty member Davene Wright for her appointment to the Harvard Medical School faculty as an Assistant Professor of Population Medicine!
Faculty Member Sharon Lutz and colleagues’ paper “Genome-wide Gene-by-smoking Interaction Study of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease” is published in American Journal of Epidemiology.
Faculty Member Sharon Lutz and colleagues’ paper “Relative contributions of family history and a polygenic risk score on COPD and related outcomes: COPDGene and ECLIPSE studies” is published in BMJ Open Respiratory Research.
CHeRP hosted Dr. Tina Hartert, MD, MPH from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine for our November CHeRP Seminar. Dr. Hartert presented “Asthma: The Story of an Infectious Etiology of Chronic Disease”.

Faculty member Alison Galbraith and colleagues’ paper “Children’s Health Is Too Often Ignored in Elections—Here Is Evidence to Help Change That” is published in JAMA Pediatrics.
Faculty Member Alon Peltz and colleagues’ paper “Hospital Observation Status and Readmission Rates” is published in AAP Pediatrics.
Members Ann Wu, Maria Acosta Robayo, and colleagues’ paper “Cost-Effectiveness of Biologics for Allergic Diseases” is published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice.
CHeRP hosted Dr. Mark Clapp, MD, MPH a Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist from Massachusetts General Hospital for our October CHeRP Seminar. Dr. Clapp presented “Pregnancy as a Pre-existing condition”.

Faculty member Sharon Lutz and colleagues’ paper “A Risk Prediction Model for Mortality Among Smokers in COPDGene Study” is published in Journal of the COPD Foundation.
Faculty member Alon Peltz and colleagues’ paper “An Equity Lens for Identifying and Addressing Social Needs Within Pediatric Value-Based Care” is published in AAP Pediatrics.
Faculty member Sharon Lutz and colleagues’ paper “locStra: Fast analysis of regional/global stratification in whole‐ genomesequencing studies” is published in Genetic Epidemiology.
Faculty members Alon Peltz, Alison Galbraith, and colleagues’ paper “Changes in Health Care–Related Financial Burden for US Families With Children Associated With the Affordable Care Act” is published in JAMA Pediatrics.
Congratulations to CHeRP Faculty Members, Ann Wu, Sharon Lutz, Joanne Sordillo, and Alison Galbraith who all had presentations this year at the virtual ATS2020 conference.

Faculty member Alison Galbraith and colleagues' paper, "Costs Are Higher For Marketplace Members Who Enroll During Special Enrollment Periods Compared with Open Enrollment" is published in Health Affairs.
Member Joanne Sordillo and colleagues' paper, "Metabolite Profiles of the Relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) Milestones and Metabolic Risk during Early Adolescence" is published in Metabolites.
Director Ann Wu, member Joanne Sordillo and colleagues’ paper “CASTER: Cross-Sectional Asthma STEroid Response Measurement” is published in Journal of Personalized Medicine.
Faculty member Davene Wright’s paper “Distinguishing Wants vs Preferences for End-of-Life Care: Can You Tell Me What You Want, What You Really, Really Want?” is published in JAMA Network Open.
Congratulations to Joanne Sordillo for receiving bridge funding to help with The Home Mycobiome and Childhood Asthma Project!
Congratulations to CHeRP Faculty Davene Wright on receipt of a new award from the Nutrition Obesity Research Center at Harvard (NORCH) - Decision to Initiate Lifestyle Changes for Childhood Obesity (DISCCO): A Best-Worst Scaling Study.
Congratulations to CHeRP Faculty Kurt Christensen, who presented “Impact of Integrating Genetic Testing into General Medicine” at one of the recent Brown Bag Seminars.
CHeRP Director Ann Wu and colleagues’ article “Association Between Oral Corticosteroid Bursts and Severe Adverse Events: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study” is published in Annals of Internal Medicine.
CHeRP Faculty Alon Peltz and colleagues’ article “Limiting Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Eligibility May Increase Sudden Death-Reply” is published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
CHeRP Faculty Members Davene Wright, Alison Galbraith, and colleagues’ “Preferences and Trade-offs for Health Insurance Plan Decisions: You Can’t Always Get What You Want” is published in JAMA Health Forum.
Congratulations to CHeRP Director Ann Wu for being elected Co-Chair of ATS Section of Genetic and Genomics and 2021 Chair Elect.

Special thinks to CHeRP Members, Kurt Christensen, Emilie Zoltick, Jessica LeBlanc, and Lauren Galbraith who presented some highlight findings from the Sanford METRICS Project.
CHeRP Faculty, Alon Peltz and colleagues’ article “Global Tracheostomy Collaborative: data-driven improvements in patient safety through multidisciplinary teamwork, standardization, education, and patient partnership” is published in British Journal of Anaesthesia.
CHeRP Director, Ann Wu is one of the theme coordinators for this months issue of The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice.

CHeRP Assistant Professor, Sharon Lutz and colleagues’ article “Association Analysis and Meta-Analysis of Multi-Allelic Variants for Large-Scale Sequence Data” is published in Genes.
CHeRP Director Ann Wu and colleagues’ article “Tailored Management of Allergic Disease by Age: One Size Does Not Fit All” is published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice.
Congratulations to CHeRP Associate Director, Alison Galbraith who was one of the 2020 Gordon Moore Award for Excellence in Mentoring recipients.

Congratulations to CHeRP Assistant Professor, Katherine Yih, and CHeRP Associate Professor Hao Yu who were two of the three recipients of the Robert H. Ebert Career Development Award

CHeRP Members Ann Wu, Pamela McMahon and colleagues’ article “Ending the Diagnostic Odyssey- Is Whole-Genome Sequencing the Answer?” is published in JAMA Pediatrics.
CHeRP Director Ann Wu and colleagues’ article “CEACAM3 decreases asthma exacerbations and modulates respiratory syncytial virus latent infection in children” is published in Thorax.
CHeRP Welcomed three new staff members in June!
- Maria Jose Acosta Robayo, Research Assistant
- Kirsten Voorhies, ScM, Biostatistician
- Sarah Stein, PhD- Research Programmer
Congratulations to CHeRP Associate Director, Alison Galbraith on receipt of a new award from PCORI - Comparing Patient-Centered Outcomes for Adults and Children with Asthma who Lose Insurance Coverage during the COVID-19 Pandemic
CHeRP Faculty Kurt Christensen and colleagues' article “Returning Results in the Genomic Era: Initial Experiences of the eMERGE Network” is published in Journal of Personalized Medicine.
CHeRP Research Scientist Joanne Sordillo and colleagues’ article “Association of alpha and gamma-tocopherol during early life with lung function in childhood” is published in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
CHeRP Director Ann Wu's work was featured in the ATS Publication Spotlight as an important scientific advancement by a member of the ATS Section of Genetic and Genomics.

as a major scientific advancement in the field.
CHeRP Research Scientist Joanne Sordillo and colleagues’ paper “Lung Function Tracking throughout Childhood: Growth Trajectories May Not Be Set in Stone” is published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice.
CHeRP Assistant Professor Sharon Lutz and colleagues’ paper “The Association of Multiparity with Lung Function and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-Related Phenotypes” is published in Journal of COPD Foundation.
CHeRP Director Ann Wu and colleagues’ paper “Novel KITLG/SCF Regulatory Variants Are Associated with Lung Function in African American Children with Asthma” is published in Genetics.
CHeRP Assistant Professor, Sharon Lutz and colleague’s paper “The Use of Mendelian Randomization to Determine the Role of Metabolic Traits on Urinary Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio” is published in Diabetes.
CHeRP Director, Ann Wu moderated a twitter chat with the editors of The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice around Clinician Wellness During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Extraordinary Times and Unusual Challenges for Allergist/Immunologist.

CHeRP Member Narmeen Rehman, CHeRP Director Ann Wu and colleagues’ paper “Asthma Across Childhood: Improving Adherence to Asthma Management from Early Childhood to Adolescence” is published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology In Practice.
CHeRP Associate Director, Alison Galbraith and colleagues’ paper “Women’s Coverage, Utilization, Affordability, And Health After The ACA: A Review Of The Literature” is published in Health Affairs.
CHeRP Faculty Ann Wu, Sharon Lutz, Joanne Sordillo, and colleagues' paper “Plasmalogens Mediate the Effect of Age on Bronchodilator Response in Individuals With Asthma” is published in Frontiers in Medicine.
CHeRP Members Alon Peltz, Alison Galbraith, Ryan Walsh, and colleagues' paper “Socioeconomic and Health Characteristics of Families at Risk for Losing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits” is published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
CHeRP Faculty Ann Wu, Sharon Lutz, Joanne Sordillo, and colleagues’ paper “Genome-wide interaction study reveals age-dependent determinants of responsiveness of inhaled corticosteroids in individuals with asthma” is published in PLOS One.
CHeRP Faculty Sharon Lutz, Joanne Sordillo, Ann Wu and colleagues paper “The effect of misspecification of the mediator and outcome in mediation analysis” is published in Genetic Epidemiology.
Special thanks to Dr. Kelly Gebo, MD, MPH the Chief Medical and Science Officer for the All of Us Research Program for presenting at the March CHeRP/PROMoTeR Seminar. Dr. Gebo presented, “The All of Us Research Program: Large Scale Data Driving Precision Medicine.”

CHeRP Faculty Ann Wu, Sharon Lutz, Joanne Sordillo and colleagues paper “Real-Life Patterns of Exacerbations While on Inhaled Corticosteroids and Long-Acting Beta Agonists for Asthma over 15 years” is published in Journal of Clinical Medicine.
CHeRP Faculty Kurt Christensen and colleagues’ article “Disclosing genetic risk for Alzheimer’s dementia to individuals with mid cognitive impairment” is published in Alzheimer’s Association.
CHeRP Faculty Kurt Christensen and colleagues’ article “Quantifying Downstream Healthcare Utilization in Studies of Genomic Testing” is published in Value in Health.
CHeRP Director Ann Wu moderated a twitter chat with the editors of The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice around COVID-19 pandemic contingency planning for allergy and immunology clinicians.

CHeRP Assistant Professor, Sharon Lutz and colleagues article “Permutation-based methods for mediation analysis in studies with small sample sizes” is published in PeerJ Life & Environment.
CHeRP Assistant Professor, Katherine Yih and colleagues article “The risk of febrile seizures following influenza and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines” is published in Vaccine.
Special thanks to Kenneth D. Mandl, MD, MPH from Boston Children’s Hospital for presenting at the February CHeRP/PROMoTeR Seminar. Dr. Mandl presented, “Building the App Store for Health.”

CHeRP Associate Professor Alison Galbraith, Project Manager Lauren Cripps, and colleagues article “Preventative drug lists as tools for managing asthma medication costs” is published in The American Journal of Managed Care.
CHeRP Director Ann Wu co-authored the chapter, “Mobile Applications and Wearables for Chronic Respiratory Disease Monitoring” in a recently published book “Precision in Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine” including a figure designed by CHeRP Administrative Specialist Mikaela Batista.

Hao Yu, PhD presented “Health care financing and delivery reforms and children with special health care needs" at the January CHeRP Seminar.

CHeRP Faculty Davene Wright and colleagues' article “Cost-effectiveness of imaging protocols for suspected appendicitis” is published in Official Journal of The American Academy of Pediatrics.
CHeRP Faculty members Ann Wu, Sharon Lutz, Joanne Sordillo, and colleagues article “Expression of SMARCD1 interacts with age association with asthma control on inhaled corticosteroid therapy” is published in Respiratory Research.