Current Fellowship Opportunities

Current Fellowship Opportunities

RIDE Research Fellowship in Artificial Intelligence and Biomedical Informatics

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute is currently seeking a highly motivated individual to join the Therapeutics and Infectious Disease Epidemiology group (TIDE) within the Department of Population Medicine ( as a Research Fellow. The Research Fellow will perform research under the guidance of Anjum Khurshid, MD PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Population Medicine in TIDE’s Research in Informatics, Data Integration and Emerging Technologies (RIDE) portfolio. The RIDE Research Fellow will have the opportunity to lead and participate in various biomedical informatics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) research studies related to public health informatics, data standards and interoperability, GenAI/LLM models, and real-world applications in patient-centered care. The RIDE Research Fellow will play an important role in exploring innovative and creative research topics and take responsibilities in grant preparation, including conducting background research, writing research strategy, and submitting IRB applications. Specific projects will be determined based on the Research Fellow’s background and interests. Additionally, the Research Fellow will have opportunities to interact with leading experts in the field and get experience of implementing innovative informatics projects in real-world settings.

Fellowship in Health Policy and Insurance Research

Typical applicants hold clinical doctorates (MD, PharmD, or equivalent) with additional research training or experience; PhD or equivalent degrees; or are PhD candidates who have completed their course work, including statistics and epidemiology courses or equivalent, and qualifying examinations.  We encourage prospective applicants to send an informal inquiry about their interest in the fellowship to the Fellowship Administrator.

Applications are reviewed as they are received.  Fellowship start dates are flexible.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

The Division of Health Policy and Insurance Research is currently seeking a highly motivated individual to join our organization as Postdoctoral Fellow. The Postdoctoral Fellow will perform and manage research projects from their initial development through publication of study findings.

Post-doctoral Research Fellowship in Pharmacoepidemiology and Real-world Evidence

The Research Fellow will perform research under the guidance of Darren Toh, ScD, DPM Endowed Professor and Associate Director of TIDE, and other faculty members and research scientists. The Fellow will have the opportunity to lead and participate in a wide range of comparative effectiveness and safety research studies and public health surveillance projects, including NIH-funded and AHRQ-funded projects, FDA-funded Sentinel program (, and other federally and industry-funded projects.

The Fellow will receive one-on-one, team, and peer mentoring. The Fellow will have dedicated workspace, computing resources, access to biostatistics support as needed, and to libraries and other resources of Harvard University. The Fellow may also attend selected advanced methods training courses and seminars at schools within and outside of Harvard University.