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Cardiometabolic Pregnancy Complications in Association with Autism-Related Traits as Measured by the Social Responsiveness Scale in ECHO. (Pubmed Abstract)

Meta-analysis of epigenome-wide association studies in newborns and children show widespread sex differences in blood DNA methylation. (Pubmed Abstract)

Association between maternal thyroid function and risk of gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia: a systematic review and individual-participant data meta-analysis. (Pubmed Abstract)

Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study of gestational diabetes mellitus highlights genetic links with type 2 diabetes. (Pubmed Abstract)

Meta-analysis of epigenome-wide associations between DNA methylation at birth and childhood cognitive skills. (Pubmed Abstract)

DNA methylation changes associated with prenatal mercury exposure: A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies from PACE consortium. (Pubmed Abstract)

The Role of Childhood Asthma in Obesity Development: A Nationwide U.S. Multi-cohort Study. (Pubmed Abstract)

Regional and sociodemographic differences in average BMI among US children in the ECHO program. (Pubmed Abstract)