This publications search provides an entry for Group and Investigator associated publications. Please use the associated fields to refine your search for publications. The Group section will auto-populate from selections within the Department.

Child Opportunity Index at Birth and Asthma with Recurrent Exacerbations in the U.S. ECHO Program. (Pubmed Abstract)

Demographic Correlates of Autism: How Do Associations Compare Between Diagnosis and a Quantitative Trait Measure? (Pubmed Abstract)

Comparison of Race-neutral Versus Race-specific Spirometry Equations for Evaluation of Child Asthma. (Pubmed Abstract)

Neighborhood Food Access in Early Life and Trajectories of Child Body Mass Index and Obesity. (Pubmed Abstract)

Association of Maternal Fish Consumption and Omega-3 Supplement Use During Pregnancy With Child Autism-Related Outcomes: Results from a Cohort Consortium Analysis. (Pubmed Abstract)

Author Correction: Trans-ancestral genome-wide association study of longitudinal pubertal height growth and shared heritability with adult health outcomes. (Pubmed Abstract)