Fletcher Prize in Population Medicine
$1000 prize for the best paper in Population Medicine
Each year, the Harvard Medical School Department of Population Medicine announces a call for submissions for a $1000 prize for the best paper on a topic in Population Medicine written by an HMS or HSDM student.
The student who submits the most outstanding scholarly paper will be awarded the $1000 prize. Students may submit papers individually or as part of a team of up to 3 students, in which case the prize will be awarded to all coauthors and the $1000 split equally among them. All coauthors must be current students at HMS or HSDM. Papers may be written in response to this call, as part of a course, as part of the Scholars in Medicine program, or as independent scholarly endeavors, but may not be published or submitted for publication at the time of submission for this Prize.
Papers will be judged on how well they establish the importance of the topic to population health and how well they summarize the evidence base for the topic. Students are encouraged to assess the strength of evidence they cite, and suggest (not conduct) strategies to improve the strength of at least one part of the evidence. We also encourage a short discussion of what physicians and/or dentists could do about the issue.
Papers should have a maximum of 1200 words and up to 7 references. They should be formatted according to JAMA guidelines for Viewpoint articles.
The 2025 Fletcher Prize submission period is now open.
Application deadline is February 14, 2025, 5:00PM EST.
Contact fletcher_prize@hphci.harvard.edu to submit, or with questions.

Suzanne and Robert Fletcher met while they were students at Harvard Medical School, class of 1966. Individually and jointly they have been national leaders in advancing the field of clinical epidemiology. Their textbook, Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials, now in its 5th edition and co-written with their son, has been translated into several languages. Among other contributions, they served as Co-Editors in Chief of the Annals of Internal Medicine and founding Co-Editors of the Journal of General Internal Medicine and were founders of the World Association of Medical Editors. In 1994, they returned to HMS and joined the Department. Suzanne directed the Patient-Doctor II physical diagnosis course for second-year students and introduced the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) assessment to Harvard Medical School. Bob was founding director of the longitudinal Primary Care Clerkship. Both continue as Professors emeriti in the DPM.
Past Fletcher Prize Awardees:
2024: Claire Quinlan, HMS | When the epidemic ends, our work begins: The pharmacoepidemiology of HIV primary care
2023: Sahil Sandhu, HMS | Electronic Patient-reported Outcomes: The Missing Link in Population Health Efforts
2022: Kushal Kadakia, HMS | Paying for Prevention —The Next Frontier for Value-Based Care
2021: Maya Behn, Erika Lynn-Green, and Inam Sakinah, HMS | Early COVID-19 Vaccination for Incarcerated Populations: Prioritizing Population Health
2020: Nicolas Trad, HMS | Recognizing Loneliness as a Core Determinant of Health
2019: Sanjay Kishore and Margaret Hayden, HMS | Lessons from Scott County — Progress or Paralysis on Harm Reduction?
2018: Suhas Gondi, HMS | Negotiating Prescription Drug Prices to Improve Access and Reduce Costs