Age 16 years

PROBIT Home | 0 - 12 months | 6.5 years | 11.5 years | 16 years | Publications | Collaborate

September 2012 - July 2015

When the participants were approximately 16 years of age, researchers collected data on growth, adiposity, blood pressure, neurocognitive function, vision, eczema and lung function.  A total of 13,557 adolescents (82%) participated.

Intention to treat analyses of the 16-year data demonstrated that the randomized intervention was associated with reduced flexural dermatitis risk among children in the intervention group at 16 years; we saw no detectable effect on lung function or in a questionnaire-derived measures of asthma in this setting, where allergic diseases are rare (Flohr et al, Jama Pediatr, 2017). Children in the intervention group had slightly statistically significantly higher neurocognitive scores for verbal function and memory than children in the control group (Yang et al, PLoS Med, 2018).  There was no difference in rates of low vision (Owen et al, Invest Opthalmol Vis Sci, 2018).  Risk for obesity was in fact slightly higher in the intervention compared with the control infants, contrary to hypothesis (Martin et al, JAMA Pediatr, 2017).

Principal Investigators, 2012 - 2015

Michael Kramer, MD: McGill University, Quebec, Canada
Richard M. Martin, B.Med.Sci., B.M., B.S., M.Sc., M.R.C.G.P., PhD: University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Emily Oken, MD, MPH: Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, United States of America

Collaborators, 2012 - 2015

Belarus: Konstantin Vichuck, MD; Natalia Bogdanovich, MD, Mikhail Hameza, BA
Canada: Seungmi Yang, PhD
United Kingdom: Carsten Flohr, MD, PhD; John Henderson, MD; Chris Owen, PhD

2012 - 2015 Study Documentation

Selected Publications