The Division of Child Health Research and Policy (CHeRP) is a multidisciplinary research group located in the Department of Population Medicine (DPM). CHeRP's mission is to conduct research that enhances health care decision-making by patients and their families, clinicians, and policymakers, and improves the quality of pediatric care in health care delivery systems. Please visit our CHeRP Twitter page and LinkedIn for the latest news.
CHeRP's association with Point32Health offers special opportunities to conduct population-based studies of health care practices and health outcomes in large groups of patients and clinicians. CHeRP's investigators are Harvard Medical School faculty appointed in the DPM, the Department of Pediatrics, or both.

CHeRP has close ties to Boston Children's Hospital, one of the nation's premier institutions in pediatric research and teaching. Division faculty lead an innovative fellowship training program in pediatric health services research, which contributes to a vibrant research environment
CHeRP Leadership
- Interim Director: Davene Wright, PhD
- CHeRP Program Manager: Jessica LeBlanc, MA