This publications search provides an entry for Group and Investigator associated publications. Please use the associated fields to refine your search for publications. The Group section will auto-populate from selections within the Department.
Marcus JL, Weddle A, Kelley CF, Agwu A, Montalvo S, Sherman E, Vijayan T, Gutierrez J, Hickey MD, Dilworth SE, Krakower D, Davis TL, Collins LF, McNulty MC, Colasanti JA, Christopoulos KA
Lee KL, Sarovar V, Lam JO, Leyden WA, Alexeeff SE, Lea AN, Hechter RC, Hu H, Marcus JL, Yuan Q, Kramer JR, Lin LL, Chiao EY, Towner WJ, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ
Hechter RC, Zhou H, Leyden WA, Yuan Q, Pak KJ, Lam JO, Alexeeff S, Lea A, Hu H, Marcus JL, Rivera AS, Adams AL, Horberg MA, Towner WJ, Lo JC, Silverberg MJ
Irie WC, Chitneni P, Glynn TR, Allen W, Chai PR, Engelman AN, Hurtado R, Li JZ, Li P, Lockman S, Marcus JL, Ogunshola FJ, Rönn MM, Haberer J, Ghebremichael M, Ciaranello A,
Coburn SB, Shiels M, Silverberg M, Horberg M, Gill MJ, Brown TT, Visvanathan K, Connor AE, Napravnik S, Marcus J, Moore RD, Mathews WC, Mayor AM, Sterling T, Li J, Rabkin C, D'Souza G, Lau B, Althoff KN