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Dr. Khurshid moderated panel discussion of Health Information Exchange (HIE) leaders and experts at the American Medical Informatics Associations (AMIA) annual symposium

Dr. Khurshid (pictured at the podium at right) moderated a panel at the 2024 Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) presenting the RIDE team’s work on “Testing the Feasibility of a National Network of HIEs for Population Health”. Dr. Khurshid was joined by co-investigators (pictured from left to right) Dan Chavez (CEO of Serving Communities Health Information Organization in Santa Cruz), Eliel Oliveira (Senior Director of Informatics at HPHCI), Dr. Neil Sarkar (CEO of Rhode Island Quality Institute), and Dr. David Kendrick (CEO of MyHealth Access in Oklahoma). Panelists discussed the benefits of using HIE and HDU data for public health interventions and epidemiological research, identified the legal and operational principles that make HIE collaboration and innovation possible, and described the synthetic data pilot that our HIE consortium is current completing.

Point32Health AI Symposium

Dr. Khurshid took part in the inaugural Point32Health AI Symposium, an event showcasing the company's AI journey. The event featured a panel discussion of experts in AI, including Dr. Khurshid, facilitated by Chief Medical Officer Glenn Pomerantz. The Institute also displayed an overview of our research and the Center for AI and Bioinformatics Research (CAB).

Speaking on the evolution of Health Information Exchanges (HIEs)

In September, Dr. Khurshid and Dr. David Kendrick gave a presentation to the FDA as part of HPHCI's collaborative work with Sentinel Initiative's Innovation Center. The presentation covered the basics of HIEs (e.g. data elements, uniqueness as a data source) and described the evolution of HIEs into Health Data Utilities (HDUs), using MyHealth Access Network (Oklahoma's 501c3 State Designated Entity for HIE/HDU) as a case study.

Dr. Khurshid presenting a panel discussion of Health Information Exchange (HIE) leaders and experts at CIVITAS Networks for Health annual conference, Tuesday October 15

Dr. Khurshid will present the panel discussion,“Innovating Population Health Research and Epidemiology with Health Information Exchange (HIE) Data: Results of a Workgroup Assessing Feasibility of a Federated Network of HIEs,” at CIVITAS Networks for Health annual conference.

For more information about the CIVITAS annual conference and to register:

Dr. Khurshid Presented at New England HIMSS 2024 Annual Spring Conference: “Innovations in Health Information Technology – A 2024 Outlook

Dr. Khurshid presented at the New England HIMSS spring conference on work to integrate non-medical drivers of health (NMDoH) data into electronic health records using national data standards.

A forthcoming research article on the community-led design of FHIRedApp, using the Community Engagement Studios (CES) framework:

Expansion of the Community Engagement Studio Method: Deepening Community Participation in Healthcare Innovation

The importance of integrating SDoH data with healthcare data, using the COVID-19 epidemic as an example:

Social Determinants of Health and ER Utilization: Role of Information Integration during COVID-19

Watch this presentation about the PrEPLinker pilot in Houston, presented to the annual ConV2X health tech symposium:

Blockchain Applied To Network Science: Toward Implementing Multilevel Blockchain-Based Network Intervention To Address Health Inequity In Healthcare Delivery System

How TestLinker fits into the ecosystem of PrEPLinker and HIV PrEP services:

Pilot feasibility PrEPLINKer/TestLinker project utilizes innovative blockchain technology to enhance the PrEP care continuum for underserved communities in Houston

Read more about MediLinker in this research article:

MediLinker, a blockchain-based decentralized health information management platform for patient-centric healthcare

Watch the RIDE team’s presentation on community governance in Health IT projects, presented to the ONC SDOH HIE Learning Forum in support of our ongoing strategic partnership with Austin’s HIE Connxus:

How we meaningfully engaged community members in developing the patient-facing FHIRedApp

FHIRedApp is a LEAP in health information technology for promoting patient access to their medical information.

The importance of visualizing SDoH data for healthcare providers in projects like SHIP:

Assessing and addressing health inequities and disparities – the role of health informatics

How we helped to visualize and summarize asthma data at the patient-level and cohort-level in our Data Overlay Pilot:

Methods for development and application of data standards in an ontology-driven information model for measuring, managing, and computing social determinants of health for individuals, households, and communities evaluated through an example of asthma.

The Latest Gravity Project Affinity Group Presentation on FHIRedSHIP

On March 30, 2023, Eliel de Oliveira and Vishal Abrol presented to the ONC SDOH Exchange Forum and Affinity Group on the Gravity Project Pilot (FHIRed-SHIP) results. The presentation provided pilot background, Gravity Standards and technologies used, accomplishments, lessons learned, and a general overview of the pilot’s successes and challenges. Watch the presentation on YouTube: Watch Now Visit here to join the Gravity Project Affinity Group meetings as an observer or participant: Sign Up

FHIR-SHIP: An approach to Health Equity by Design for 21st Century Healthcare

The FHIRed-SHIP project was highlighted in the ONC blog, HealthITbuzz: The Latest on Health IT from ONC. The blog post is titled “FHIRED-SHIP: An Approach to Health Equity by Design for 21st Century Healthcare” and describes our team’s work toward building a cohesive ecosystem of patient-centered and provider-centered data sharing, messaging, and visualization tools.

ONC’s Social Determinants of Health Information Exchange Learning Forum

On February 23, 2023, Eliel de Oliveira and Vidya Lakshminarayanan were invited to present their work on Community Level Governance at the ONC Social Determinants of Health (SHOH) Information Exchange Learning Forum, which brings together healthcare providers, community-based organizations, government, payers, health information exchange networks, IT platform developers, innovators, and other partners to share lessons learned, promising practices, and challenges related to exchanging SDOH data.

Dell Medical School builds technology to connect patients to social services

On February 23, 2023, Eliel de Oliveira and Vidya Lakshminarayanan were invited to present their work on Community Level Governance at the ONC Social Determinants of Health (SHOH) Information Exchange Learning Forum, which brings together healthcare providers, community-based organizations, government, payers, health information exchange networks, IT platform developers, innovators, and other partners to share lessons learned, promising practices, and challenges related to exchanging SDOH data.

LEAP award focuses on SDOH and referral management

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT has awarded the Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin (Dell Med) a Leading Edge Acceleration Project in Health IT award to advance health equity by integrating social determinants of health data with clinical information.

Beyond Medical History

Data researchers at Dell Med are collaborating with People’s Community Clinic to combat pediatric asthma with a data-driven approach — giving care teams a fuller picture of a child’s health than what a typical electronic health record affords.