This publications search provides an entry for Group and Investigator associated publications. Please use the associated fields to refine your search for publications. The Group section will auto-populate from selections within the Department.

Meta-analysis of epigenome-wide associations between DNA methylation at birth and childhood cognitive skills. (Pubmed Abstract)

Maternal Glycemic Dysregulation During Pregnancy and Neonatal Blood DNA Methylation: Meta-analyses of Epigenome-Wide Association Studies. (Pubmed Abstract)

DNA methylation changes associated with prenatal mercury exposure: A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies from PACE consortium. (Pubmed Abstract)

Genetic variation in genes regulating skeletal muscle regeneration and tissue remodelling associated with weight loss in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (Pubmed Abstract)

Consensus-Based Recommendations on the Prevention of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: A Delphi Consensus Statement. (Pubmed Abstract)

Placental DNA methylation signatures of maternal smoking during pregnancy and potential impacts on fetal growth. (Pubmed Abstract)