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Kulldorff M, Dashevsky I, Avery TR, Chan AK, Davis RL, Graham D, Platt R, Andrade SE, Boudreau D, Gunter MJ, Herrinton LJ, Pawloski PA, Raebel MA, Roblin D, Brown JS
Brown JS, Petronis KR, Bate A, Zhang F, Dashevsky I, Kulldorff M, Avery TR, Davis RL, Chan KA, Andrade SE, Boudreau D, Gunter MJ, Herrinton L, Pawloski PA, Raebel MA, Roblin D, Smith D, Reynolds R
Brown JS, Kulldorff M, Petronis KR, Reynolds R, Chan KA, Davis RL, Graham D, Andrade SE, Raebel MA, Herrinton L, Roblin D, Boudreau D, Smith D, Gurwitz JH, Gunter MJ, Platt R
Brown JS, Kulldorff M, Chan KA, Davis RL, Graham D, Pettus PT, Andrade SE, Raebel MA, Herrinton L, Roblin D, Boudreau D, Smith D, Gurwitz JH, Gunter MJ, Platt R