Faculty Directory

Rui Wang
Rui Wang is the Lagakos and Zelen endowed Chair and Professor of Population Medicine at the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute and Harvard Medical School. She is the Director of the Division of Biostatistics. Additionally, she is a Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Dr. Wang received her PhD Degree from Harvard University.
Dr. Wang’s research interests include the design, monitoring, and analysis of randomized clinical trials, with a particular focus on parallel and stepped-wedge cluster randomized trials, where a group of subjects, as opposed to individuals, are randomized to each of the treatment arms in the trial. The particular questions she is addressing include the investigation of how the complex correlation structure within clusters affects the sample size and power of the trial, and how to analyze data from such trials efficiently, taking into account the correlation structure and the issue of missing data. Her research interests also include longitudinal modeling of non-linear trajectories and model selection, as well as addressing missing data issues in distributed data networks.
Dr. Wang co-leads the leadership and data coordinating center for the Sleep Predictors of Opioid-Use Disorder (OUD) Treatment Outcomes Program, funded by National Institute of Drug Addiction (NIDA) in conjunction with support from NHLBI National Center on Sleep Disorders Research. The overarching objective is to develop a predictive model of OUD treatment outcomes focused on sleep and circadian-based phenotypes. In addition, she provides statistical input to Epicenter projects including the NEVER (Nursing Excellence to aVOID pnEumonia Return-to-basics) Quality Improvement Project.